Download Gratis PES 2014 PC Full Crack + Serial Key
PES 2014 Yang di sebut sebut PES Terbaik untuk saat ini telah dikeluarkan untuk PC,
Berikut ini keunggulannya :
- Gerakan pemain terlihat lebih lincah. Tak hanya itu, bentuk tubuh tiap-tiap pemain pun diklaim akan tampil beda.
- efek tabrakan antar pemain saat menggiring bola. Dampaknya pun bisa berbeda-beda, tergantung bagian tubuh mana yang saling berbenturan.
- kualitas grafis yang luar biasa.
- Bagian kaus dibuat berbeda dengan model tubuh. Artinya, kaos pemain bisa saja robek atau mulur saat ditarik oleh pemain lain.
- Radius mengendalikan bola tiga kali lebih besar dari seri sebelumnya.
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use this serial : WR92-PN7U-Y9YV-EYC3-R2U2
As we already know that this year, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 aka PES 2014 will present, driven by the FOX Engine. It is also the first details revealed by the Konami stated that the player would be more realistic design and design clothes and the player will be made differently, thus allowing clothes to other interested players during a match.
Gameplay PES 2014
In PES 2014 game, if players feel aggrieved referee, players can protest. Players can question the referee's decision making. If gamers do protest, the referee's decision at the moment or any other breach of controversy during the game will change. But hat too careful, because if the protests could potentially excessive yellow-carded, even in a red card!
If players wish the match in PES 2014 will be flat like the previous PES games, I think do not get your hopes up. Because the game PES 2014 will reportedly involve the 12th player alias audience. Victory or defeat players during a match will give you a different reaction in the audience. Their actions are manifold, there is lit firecrackers, bottle throwing trash or leave the stadium. But interestingly, there was a moment where his supporters will launch a laser beam to the players which of course will make the players (especially kipper) to pick up a ball of confusion.
Recommended system requirements:
Video Trailer PES 2014
Graphics to complement no less good. Players can see how the noisy supporters in the stadium. There are some supporters lit firecrackers and supporters who form the ornament emblem club home
Here is the detail given first Konami for us.
- Using Game Engines Fox Engine, the game engine is something new in the PES.
- Physics engine uses Barycentre physics. With this engine, players who have different body parts, will have a different weight as well.
- Collision / sesame player will compete similar to FIFA, the collision impact will depend on which body part affected.
- For graphics, the development team will focus on the "photo-realism", close-up players will be more detail, such as the skin pores and eyes.
- Graphic design to suit players will be separated from the design model of the player, in other words the clothes worn by the player and will be interested if overcrowding.
- Ball control will be a radius of 3 times larger than the current one, make players play more dynamic.
- Can set the zone on the player, allows gamers to set the motion area players while on the field.
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Download Pes 2014 Full Version Games |
Minimum system requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE-1640
VGA: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
HDD: 8.5 GB
DirectX: 9.0c
Recommended system requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
Vga: GeForce GT 440, the Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
HDD: 8.5 GB
DirectX: 9.0c
Video Trailer PES 2014
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 - RELOADED Full version
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